Twin Air Dirt Bike Air Filters deliver unrivalled performance and protection through its innovative design, top-quality materials, and superb construction. Twin Air is the choice brand of national and world champions for a reason. These air filters are structured to give increased airflow while still ensuring maximum protection against dirt and dust. The air filters have a coarse open-pore foam that shields your engine from any grime, sand, dirt, and other contaminants.


  • Twin Air filters are designed to increase airflow while ensuring the highest level of protection from dirt / dust.
  • Coarse open-pore foam catches airborne dirt, grime and sand.
  • Fine open-pore inner foam acts as a second filter to trap the smallest particles while ensuring maximum air passage.
  • Exclusively formulated adhesive ensures glue seams will not break down.
  • Thick, flat foam, greaseless sealing ring ensures maximum contact with your airbox, while acting as a breathable gasket for increased air passage.
  • Fused outer and inner elements prevent dirt and grime from being lodged between layers